
BSc Max Reisinger

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Max is our freshly baked team member. He is currently completing his degree in "Environmental and Bio Resource Management" at BOKU. In his bachelor's thesis (available on the homepage under scientific work), he focuses on the success factors for community gardens, and above all, what role garden members and their organization play in this. He discovered his enthusiasm for gardening in a permaculture course. He developed a preference for exotic crops (especially coffee) and then planted his first fruit trees. He was active in the BOKU community garden during the 2017 season and fulfilled his dream of eating self-grown potatoes for the first time. While working with Gartenpolylog, he wants to focus on environmental protection, climate protection, and sustainability. 

DI David Stanzel

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David studied landscape planning / architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences and landscape design at the University of Applied Arts. His bachelor’s & master’s theses are dedicated to community gardens. He fulfilled his civilian service in a refugee home in Vienna and initiated a small intercultural garden there. Since 2004, he has been a committed community gardener and - since 2011 - a member of the board of the Gartenpolylog Association. Since then, he has assisted many community gardens and gardeners, organized excursions and workshops, implemented educational projects in gardens, and researched community gardening.

DI Anjoulie Brandner

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Born in 1986 in Genalguacil, Spain, Anjoulie studied landscape planning and architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Vienna’s BOKU). During her studies, her main focuses were open space planning, gender and diversity aspects in landscape planning, historical women's research, subsistence agriculture, and smallholder land use structures. Since 2015, she has maintained her own garden in Vienna. Since 2017, she has served as an external lecturer at the Institute for Landscape Planning BOKU, organized activities with the Gartenpolylog Association, and served on the Vienna Nutrition Council. She’s also focused on paternal subsistence agriculture in Spain.

In Cordula Fötsch

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Born in Graz in 1982, Cordula studied agriculture from 2001-2008 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, with a focus on ecological agriculture and development cooperation. She also trained as a teacher and consultant in agriculture at the Agricultural Pedagogical University of Vienna Ober-St. Veit. She has further training and experience in moderation and process support. She has been active as a gardener and companion in community gardens since 2009, and she has been in the Gartenpolylog Association since 2013. 

Her current focuses are the establishment and care of community gardens, workshops with children and young people, and co-organization of networking events .

Mag.a Ursula Taborsky

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Ursula was born in Vienna in 1972. She attended the HTL for environmental technology in Mödling, then studied philosophy with a focus on natural ethics and intercultural philosophy at the University of Vienna. She received Education management training at the Federal Institute for Adult Education. From 2005-2012, she was board member of the Vienna Society for Intercultural Philosophy (WiGiP). As a founder and board member of the Gartenpolylog Association, she has been in charge of the Austrian Community Garden Network, Gartenpolylog educational events, and Gartenpolylog community gardens in Vienna since 2007. Since 2008, she has been an external lecturer at the University of Krems and at the University of Agricultural Education, teaching a course garden therapy and another on “Green Care.” She is a current employee of ARCHE NOAH in the field of education.

DI David Stanzel

Studium Landschaftsplanung/architektur an der Universität für Bodenkultur und Landschaftsdesign an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst. Bachelor&Masterarbeit dem Thema Gemeinschaftsgärten gewidmet. Zivildienst in einem  Flüchtlingswohnheim in Wien  geleistet - Dort einen kleinen interkulturellen Garten initiiert. Seit 2004 überzeugter Gemeinschaftsgärtner und seit 2011 Vorstandsmitglied im Verein Gartenpolylog. Seither viele Gemeinschaftsgärten und Gärtner*innen begleitet, Exkursionen & Workshops organisiert, Bildungsprojekte in Gärten umgesetzt und Gärten beforscht.

DIin Anjoulie Brandner

Geboren 1986, Genalguacil, Spanien. Studium der Landschaftsplanung und -architektur an
der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) mit Schwerpunkten: Freiraumplanung, Gender
and Diversity in der Landschaftsplanung, Subsistenzökonomie. Seit 2015
Gartenpflegearbeiten und eigener Garten in Wien. Seit 2017 Lektorin am Institut für
Landschaftsplanung BOKU und Aktivitäten im Verein Gartenpolylog. Seit 2019 Dissertantin
an der BOKU, Dissertationsthema: Biodiversitätsförderndes Grünflächenmanagement in
urbanen Räumen und Sammeln essbarer Wildpflanzen. Kontinuierliche Bewirtschaftung der
familiären Subsistenzlandwirtschaft in Andalusien.

DIin Cordula Fötsch

Geboren 1982 in Graz. 2001-2008 Studium der Landwirtschaft mit Schwerpunktökologische Landwirtschaft und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Ausbildung zur Lehrerin und Beraterin in der Landwirtschaft an der Agrarpädagogischen Hochschule Wien Ober-St. Veit. Weiterbildung und Erfahrungen in Moderation und Prozessbegleitung. Seit 2009 in Gemeinschaftsgärten als Gärtnerin und Begleiterin aktiv, seit 2013 im Verein Gartenpolylog. 
Aufbau und Betreuung von Gemeinschaftsgärten, workshops mit Kindern
und Jugendlichen, Mitorganisation von Vernetzungsveranstaltungen.

Mag.a Ursula Taborsky

Geboren 1972 in Wien. HTL für Umwelttechnik in Mödling, Studium der Philosophie mit Schwerpunkt Naturethik und interkulturelle Philosophie an der Universität Wien. Ausbildung Bildungsmanagement am bifeb. 2005 -2012 Vorstandsmitglied der Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie (WiGiP). Als Gründungs- und Vorstandsmitglied des Vereins Gartenpolylog betreut sie seit 2007 das Österreichische Gemeinschaftsgartennetzwerk, Gartenpolylog-Bildungsveranstaltungen sowie Gemeinschaftsgärten in Wien. Seit 2008 externe Lektorin an der Uni Krems und an der Hochschule für Agrarpädagogik beim Lehrgang für Gartentherapie und beim Lehrgang Green Care. Mitarbeiterin der ARCHE NOAH im Bildungsbereich.